The retreat program at Vianney is designed to enhance the spirituality of each student while making sure not to interfere with the student's academic progress. Our retreat program is designed to help our students build stronger relationships with their classmates but also to further their relationship with God. The retreats are based on Catholic teachings and also each student is required to attend a retreat each year they attend Vianney. Each class retreat is an important component in the development and formation of our students. The retreats are developed to meet the needs of each class as they progress through their four-year journey at Vianney.
The Freshman and Sophomore retreats each encompass one day of school where students will spend time bonding as a class and growing in their faith. The Juniors spend three days on a Kairos retreat while the Seniors choose from a variety of retreat options including a pilgrimage, silent retreat, vocations retreat, or leading an underclassmen retreat.
All of our class retreats include an aspect of student leadership. Upperclassmen lead discussions and give witness talks on each retreat. This aspect of peers leading each other builds an atmosphere of openness. The student leaders are trained by the Campus Ministry department.