Planned Giving Guide
Planned gifts help to ensure a lasting legacy for both Vianney and the donor. A smart planned gift allows you and your family to have continued financial security while also enjoying the satisfaction of providing future support for Vianney and its students.
The information below can help you decide what type of gift is right for you and your family. For more information, please contact Major Gifts Officer Mike Mantia at or at (314) 965-4853 ext. 118.
- Gift in Your Will or Living Trust
- Gift of Retirement Plan Assets
- Gift of Appreciated Securities
- Life Insurance
- Charitable Gift Annuities
- Charitable Remainder Trusts
- Charitable Lead Trusts
Gift in Your Will or Living Trust
Gift of Retirement Plan Assets
Gift of Appreciated Securities
Life Insurance
Charitable Gift Annuities
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Charitable Lead Trusts
- Please contact Major Gifts Officer Mike Mantia at or at (314) 965-4853 ext. 118 to notify of your intent.
- Seek the advice of your legal or financial advisor.
- If you include Vianney in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.
NAME: St. John Vianney High School
ADDRESS: 1311 S. Kirkwood Road, St. Louis, MO 63122
FEDERAL TAX ID #: Please contact us for our federal tax ID number.