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The St. John Vianney High School Student Ambassadors are a select group of students whose main purpose is to positively promote Vianney. The Ambassador Program is open to qualified Junior or Senior students, who are active in both academic and co-curricular activities, possess leadership abilities and exhibit enthusiasm for being a Griffin. 

Students must purchase their own grey dress pants, black belt, black socks, Marianist Medallion and black, hard soled, dress shoes. St. John Vianney will provide the Ambassador with a black Ambassador polo, black Ambassador pullover and name plate. Name Plates are to be returned following each event.  It is the responsibility of the Ambassador to ensure that the polo/pullover and pants are clean and wrinkle free.

Club Moderator: Scott Hingle (

Eligibility: Open to qualified second semester sophomores, juniors and seniors. Applications for new Ambassadors must be filled out in the spring of each year, and require a teacher recommendation.

Season: Sign up is in the preceding spring and the events go throughout the school year

Meetings: School events as scheduled

Possible Activity Points: 30 points