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German Honor Society

German Honor Society 

The Vianney German Honor Society chapter of Delta Epsilon Phi acknowledges the academic achievement of learners of German. The honor society provides incentive for students to strive for excellence in their German courses and challenges students to complete upper level language courses. Interest in German language and culture is promoted through German Honor Society. During the Fall Honors Convocation, new members are initiated and current members are recognized. Senior members of Delta Epsilon Pi are also recognized during the Spring Senior Honors Convocation and those members that completed all four years of German are recognized by wearing a cord at graduation.

Club Moderator: Mr. Jared Weber (

Eligibility: To be eligible for induction, students must have completed two semesters of German with a 3.6 grade point average in and have an overall grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Students must also make the commitment to continue to the advanced level courses.  

Season: Throughout the year

Meetings: Listen to daily SOAR/after school announcements for meeting dates

Activity Points: 5