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Math Honor Society

Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society

Mu Alpha Theta, the National Honor Society for Mathematics, recognizes students with exemplary academic achievement in advanced mathematics courses.

Club Moderator: Mr. Bob Trowbridge ( 

Eligibility: Eligibility for the Vianney chapter of Mu Alpha Theta is for juniors and seniors and exceeds the minimum national organization standards and requires:

1.) A minimum cumulative G.P.A. of 3.75

2.) Meeting one of two mathematics specific standards:

Completion of three Honors or AP Level mathematics courses with a minimum unweighted GPA in those courses of 3.5


Completion of four Honors or AP Level mathematics courses which includes Calculus with a minimum unweighted GPA in those courses of 3.0   

Season: Throughout the year

Meetings: Listen to the daily bulletin for meeting dates

Possible Activity Points: 5 points